Tag Archive | "urls"

How To Combine 2 Urls Into 1 Clickable Link?

I would like to combine 2 urls into 1 clickable link. The first link is a link that sets a cookie and the second is a query.
1st link: http://www.homeaway.com/?CID=a_cj_7123410&utm_source=cj&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_content=7123410&utm_campaign=10938928 (this part is my affiliate id)
2nd: http://www.homeaway.com/search/keywords:boston (final destination page)

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Affiliate Programs That Pay Right Into Paypal.?

I am trying to get help to find a few good Affiliate Programs that pay right into paypal. Please send the URLS.

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What Is The Best Way To Manage Multiple Products In Different Niches From One Website?

I am currently writing a magazine, and another book pertaining to architecture. In the future I plan on writing more books, as well as selling other physical products.
I have a website, basic-laser.com which is currently just for my artwork. It runs on WP
Which is the best way to create ‘unique’ pages for these different products that have unique URLS and themese, but are all connected. Is there someone I can pay to do this?

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Where Can I Watch In-theater Movies Online (if Possible)?

Where can I watch movies that are still in theater online? I would really like to watch Hereafter (released yesterday), but I do not have a car and cannot drive to the theater. I am sick of sifting through useless websites online that are made for the sole purpose of gaining affiliate commissions. So, if you know of a GOOD site, please let me know. Please do not give me any sites with disguised urls such as tinyurl, and do not give me any sites that are centered around a keyword, such as watchhereafteronline.com. These are scam websites 99% of the time…..
I am even willing to pay to watch a single movie, but I am not willing to pay for a yearly subscription…..

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