Tag Archive | "spiritual concepts"

Plagiarism Question Please Help?

i was considering writing a book on spirituality.my question is, is it considered plagiarism if i am using old concepts but putting my own spin on them based off personal experiences and things i have learned through books, tv, documentaries, movies and my own experiences? concepts like the power of thought, forgiveness,gratitude, meditation,healing, chakra systems and things of that nature.how is it really possible to cite these concepts, i really don’t know how far back they stem from but im assuming long before copyright laws existed.im afraid that someone may say im stealing there ideas because the self help/spirituality market is saturated with ideas like that yet these concepts have been around a long time.is it plagiarism if i freely write about them though?and how can you truly cite spiritual concepts that nobody is really sure who own them?the book the secret for example is not a new concept and there are plenty of other authors who have written about the law of attraction since the secret has come out.so can the secret author sue others for writing and teaching the concept of law of attraction even though she didn’t create the idea herself?how does this work?

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