Tag Archive | "speech"

Help With Writing My Speech?

Here is what I have so far. I need to get it to four minutes and its at like 2:40
Help with adding stuff would be much appreciated
Rosa Parks once said “No”. While that one simple syllable doesn’t seem like much out of context, her response to being told to move to the back of the bus because of her color caught the attention of the entire country. Nowadays, people rarely stand up for themselves due to fear of confrontation or earning the disapproval of their peers. People don’t realize how crucial it is as a society that we not only fight for ourselves, but fight for what is right. Rosa Parks inspiring act of standing up for what she believed in, regardless of what the consequences were shows just how critical defending our beliefs is. First, I will share Rosa Park’s story so that we can go on to reflect the importance of standing up for oneself and lastly I will talk about the consequences of not fighting for what’s right.
On December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. She refused. While she didn’t know it at the time, her courageous act of standing up for herself , became one of the most important symbols of the modern Civil Rights Movement. That one simple word caused her to become an international icon for the resistance of racial segregation and led her to be affiliated with iconic people such as Martin Luther King Jr. When looking back at all her success and huge role in the Civil Rights Movement, it all started when she first stood up for herself back on that bus. She knew that refusing to give up her seat would inevitably lead to being sent to prison, but by sticking up for herself, she helped start a revolution.
While fighting for what you believe in may not have the same monumental effect it did for Rosa Parks, the message behind it stays the same. That you will not back down easily just to avoid confrontation when you know something isn’t right. The importance of protecting your beliefs is a message that normally goes unheard in today’s world. We hear all the time about people such as Rosa Parks or Susan B. Anthony or even someone who sticks up to a bully but the truth is, in today’s world people like that are a rarity. People have been forgetting why we should stick up for ourselves in the first place. When you stand up for yourself, not only are you showing others how important respect and your morals are, but you are showing yourself as well.
The consequences of refusing to stand up for yourself may not always seem monumental enough to waste time over, but simply backing down every time you’re faced with confrontation can lead to a negative outlook on the way other perceive you.

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Can You Rate My Idea On A Scale Of One To Ten?

Is this a good idea?
I have an idea for making a brand new fruit.
I have dubbed a crapple because of the procedure to make it, and it is as follows.
A person who will not be missed, for example a hooker, a hobo, or an illegal immigrant, will be kidnapped and taken to a secret testing facility. Then, my coworkers will knock them out and split open their stomach. We will then insert an an apple, clog the stomach and seal them up. In a few hours, we shall remove the clog, and allow the have digested apple to pass through the gastric tract. It will them be collected, highly dehydrated, void of all sweetness and nutrients, and we will sterilize it.
We plan to mass market these, under a variety of different names and prices, to create competition. We will patent it, and sell licenses dirt cheap, with many loop holes so we can sue for it back.
The name crapple is derived from the words cripple, crap, and apple.
Please do not disregard my idea as foolish or pointless, as I have, in my possession, three. I have not yet eaten any, as I am sort of afraid of what they taste like. I’m assuming it must taste like a dried apple, and that, in my opinion taste awful. I plant to make oranges and pears in this form as soon as I come up with puns for them. If you have any good name ideas, they will be greatly appreciated.
I have constructed a speech for when the crapple is honored as a great supplement for youths, and people are eating them globally. Here it is. “I am honored, today, to be in front of you all. It seems that only yesterday I was pitching my ideas on internet chat boards and yahoo answers, pitching my ideas. Those mods are tough to get around, and as some one with great, radical ideas, I expected to be scoffed at, although the criticism and hate mail hurt. I’d also like to thank the movie, directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede. Without it’s inspiration, I don’t think I would have bravery to share my ideas. To be honest, I knew my ideas would eventually catch on. It was only a matter of time. After all, wouldn’t you be intriged by something as elusive as a crapple? I would be, even if it were not for the fact I created them. The idea came, for digestive fruit, that is, when I was out side, and the call of nature urged me on. After a particularly painful bowel movement, I realized I had passed a grape. Then it hit me. Literally. An apple hit me on my head, changing my thought process. That is my inspiration and I hope that you too can come up with something as gallant as a crapple. Remember, even if your idea is outlandish, people will buy anything. And if a risky experiment is required, America is rich with hobos, hookers, and illegal immigrants. After all, they aren’t really people. Thank you for your time, and money.”
What is good about the speech and what is bad? Please specify so it can be awesome, because someday, a crapple will be in your house and you’d better be grateful.
Next I’d like to discuss my idea of a peewi. It is basically a kiwi inserted into some ones bladder and left to marinate. The peewi will be much less hazardous to the patient then the crapple, seeing as they do not have not have to be removed, and are simply there to marinate in the urine.
Which idea is cooler, and which would you rather eat?
Is there any puns you can tell me about fruits and vegetables that relate to pee and poop?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Why Do People Hate On My Ideas?

Is this a good idea?
I have an idea for making a brand new fruit.
I have dubbed a crapple because of the procedure to make it, and it is as follows.
A person who will not be missed, for example a hooker, a hobo, or an illegal immigrant, will be kidnapped and taken to a secret testing facility. Then, my coworkers will knock them out and split open their stomach. We will then insert an an apple, clog the stomach and seal them up. In a few hours, we shall remove the clog, and allow the have digested apple to pass through the gastric tract. It will them be collected, highly dehydrated, void of all sweetness and nutrients, and we will sterilize it.
We plan to mass market these, under a variety of different names and prices, to create competition. We will patent it, and sell licenses dirt cheap, with many loop holes so we can sue for it back.
The name crapple is derived from the words cripple, crap, and apple.
Please do not disregard my idea as foolish or pointless, as I have, in my possession, three. I have not yet eaten any, as I am sort of afraid of what they taste like. I’m assuming it must taste like a dried apple, and that, in my opinion taste awful. I plant to make oranges and pears in this form as soon as I come up with puns for them. If you have any good name ideas, they will be greatly appreciated.
I have constructed a speech for when the crapple is honored as a great supplement for youths, and people are eating them globally. Here it is. “I am honored, today, to be in front of you all. It seems that only yesterday I was pitching my ideas on internet chat boards and yahoo answers, pitching my ideas. Those mods are tough to get around, and as some one with great, radical ideas, I expected to be scoffed at, although the criticism and hate mail hurt. I’d also like to thank the movie, directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede. Without it’s inspiration, I don’t think I would have bravery to share my ideas. To be honest, I knew my ideas would eventually catch on. It was only a matter of time. After all, wouldn’t you be intriged by something as elusive as a crapple? I would be, even if it were not for the fact I created them. The idea came, for digestive fruit, that is, when I was out side, and the call of nature urged me on. After a particularly painful bowel movement, I realized I had passed a grape. Then it hit me. Literally. An apple hit me on my head, changing my thought process. That is my inspiration and I hope that you too can come up with something as gallant as a crapple. Remember, even if your idea is outlandish, people will buy anything. And if a risky experiment is required, America is rich with hobos, hookers, and illegal immigrants. After all, they aren’t really people. Thank you for your time, and money.”
What is good about the speech and what is bad? Please specify so it can be awesome, because someday, a crapple will be in your house and you’d better be grateful.
Next I’d like to discuss my idea of a peewi. It is basically a kiwi inserted into some ones bladder and left to marinate. The peewi will be much less hazardous to the patient then the crapple, seeing as they do not have not have to be removed, and are simply there to marinate in the urine.
Which idea is cooler, and which would you rather eat?
Is there any puns you can tell me about fruits and vegetables that relate to pee and poop?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Are You Into These Ideas About Sports?

Is this a good idea?
I have an idea for making a brand new fruit.
I have dubbed a crapple because of the procedure to make it, and it is as follows.
A person who will not be missed, for example a hooker, a hobo, or an illegal immigrant, will be kidnapped and taken to a secret testing facility. Then, my coworkers will knock them out and split open their stomach. We will then insert an an apple, clog the stomach and seal them up. In a few hours, we shall remove the clog, and allow the have digested apple to pass through the gastric tract. It will them be collected, highly dehydrated, void of all sweetness and nutrients, and we will sterilize it.
We plan to mass market these, under a variety of different names and prices, to create competition. We will patent it, and sell licenses dirt cheap, with many loop holes so we can sue for it back.
The name crapple is derived from the words cripple, crap, and apple.
Please do not disregard my idea as foolish or pointless, as I have, in my possession, three. I have not yet eaten any, as I am sort of afraid of what they taste like. I’m assuming it must taste like a dried apple, and that, in my opinion taste awful. I plant to make oranges and pears in this form as soon as I come up with puns for them. If you have any good name ideas, they will be greatly appreciated.
I have constructed a speech for when the crapple is honored as a great supplement for youths, and people are eating them globally. Here it is. “I am honored, today, to be in front of you all. It seems that only yesterday I was pitching my ideas on internet chat boards and yahoo answers, pitching my ideas. Those mods are tough to get around, and as some one with great, radical ideas, I expected to be scoffed at, although the criticism and hate mail hurt. I’d also like to thank the movie, directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede. Without it’s inspiration, I don’t think I would have bravery to share my ideas. To be honest, I knew my ideas would eventually catch on. It was only a matter of time. After all, wouldn’t you be intriged by something as elusive as a crapple? I would be, even if it were not for the fact I created them. The idea came, for digestive fruit, that is, when I was out side, and the call of nature urged me on. After a particularly painful bowel movement, I realized I had passed a grape. Then it hit me. Literally. An apple hit me on my head, changing my thought process. That is my inspiration and I hope that you too can come up with something as gallant as a crapple. Remember, even if your idea is outlandish, people will buy anything. And if a risky experiment is required, America is rich with hobos, hookers, and illegal immigrants. After all, they aren’t really people. Thank you for your time, and money.”
What is good about the speech and what is bad? Please specify so it can be awesome, because someday, a crapple will be in your house and you’d better be grateful.
Next I’d like to discuss my idea of a peewi. It is basically a kiwi inserted into some ones bladder and left to marinate. The peewi will be much less hazardous to the patient then the crapple, seeing as they do not have not have to be removed, and are simply there to marinate in the urine.
Which idea is cooler, and which would you rather eat?
Is there any puns you can tell me about fruits and vegetables that relate to pee and poop?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Which Fruit Is Better????????

Is this a good idea?
I have an idea for making a brand new fruit.
I have dubbed a crapple because of the procedure to make it, and it is as follows.
A person who will not be missed, for example a hooker, a hobo, or an illegal immigrant, will be kidnapped and taken to a secret testing facility. Then, my coworkers will knock them out and split open their stomach. We will then insert an an apple, clog the stomach and seal them up. In a few hours, we shall remove the clog, and allow the have digested apple to pass through the gastric tract. It will them be collected, highly dehydrated, void of all sweetness and nutrients, and we will sterilize it.
We plan to mass market these, under a variety of different names and prices, to create competition. We will patent it, and sell licenses dirt cheap, with many loop holes so we can sue for it back.
The name crapple is derived from the words cripple, crap, and apple.
Please do not disregard my idea as foolish or pointless, as I have, in my possession, three. I have not yet eaten any, as I am sort of afraid of what they taste like. I’m assuming it must taste like a dried apple, and that, in my opinion taste awful. I plant to make oranges and pears in this form as soon as I come up with puns for them. If you have any good name ideas, they will be greatly appreciated.
I have constructed a speech for when the crapple is honored as a great supplement for youths, and people are eating them globally. Here it is. “I am honored, today, to be in front of you all. It seems that only yesterday I was pitching my ideas on internet chat boards and yahoo answers, pitching my ideas. Those mods are tough to get around, and as some one with great, radical ideas, I expected to be scoffed at, although the criticism and hate mail hurt. I’d also like to thank the movie, directed by Tom Six, The Human Centipede. Without it’s inspiration, I don’t think I would have bravery to share my ideas. To be honest, I knew my ideas would eventually catch on. It was only a matter of time. After all, wouldn’t you be intriged by something as elusive as a crapple? I would be, even if it were not for the fact I created them. The idea came, for digestive fruit, that is, when I was out side, and the call of nature urged me on. After a particularly painful bowel movement, I realized I had passed a grape. Then it hit me. Literally. An apple hit me on my head, changing my thought process. That is my inspiration and I hope that you too can come up with something as gallant as a crapple. Remember, even if your idea is outlandish, people will buy anything. And if a risky experiment is required, America is rich with hobos, hookers, and illegal immigrants. After all, they aren’t really people. Thank you for your time, and money.”
What is good about the speech and what is bad? Please specify so it can be awesome, because someday, a crapple will be in your house and you’d better be grateful.
Next I’d like to discuss my idea of a peewi. It is basically a kiwi inserted into some ones bladder and left to marinate. The peewi will be much less hazardous to the patient then the crapple, seeing as they do not have not have to be removed, and are simply there to marinate in the urine.
Which idea is cooler, and which would you rather eat?
Is there any puns you can tell me about fruits and vegetables that relate to pee and poop?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

I Need An Niche Market Idea!!!!?

i need and idea for my business studies speech
and i don’t know what to do it on
not to girly but also not to boyish plz
thx <3

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