Tag Archive | "Speak"

Where Can I Find Non-english Affiliate Marketers… If You Don’t Speak Their Language?

Where can I find non-English affiliate marketers… if you don’t speak their language?
Is there something like alibaba.com for affiliate network and online joint ventures?
I am looking for affiliate marketers from around the world. Our company’s service is English lessons online (or by phone) and we have a franchise / affiliate program but 99% of the affiliate marketers are based in USA/UK. So we obviously don’t promote in English speaking countries, we are looking for a database of marketers speaking (and promoting in) any other languages.
We are looking for that type of database: Affiliate seeking. com
On foreign forum it will not work… because

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Those Who Speak English, Can You Help?

I am writing an essay and English is not my native language. Please, check my text for mistakes, thanks:
“As effect of these measures, the material bases for the possible unionism almost disappeared. This can be observed from at least two axes, both linked with the disappearance of the labor stability wage-earner. On the one hand, a process of expulsion of the workforce linked to the desindustrialization was produced –at least in cities where some type of development was present, such as Sao Paolo-. As a consequence, thousands of workers were obligated to enter to the informality, where the possibilities to affiliate to a labor union are almost inexistent. On the other hand, the other axis was expressed in the expulsion of thousands of workers from the state apparatus, privatized during the first five years of the Silva’s government.”

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Can You Speak English?/ What Is This Thing Trying To Say?

what is this answer trying to say? YES or NO??
I’m not an undergrad or a graduate of any sort… is there nothing you can do to help me?
We focus on the FIG Seed niche as it is a demographic we understand (something we would always suggest you did when starting a business). We’d recommend speaking to Make Your Mark, The Prince’s Trust, The British Library or Business Link. Who knows… in the future we may well open our doors to anyone, but right now we need to walk before we run.

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If You Are A Taylor Swift Fan…?

go to this website and pre-order your new Speak Now CD and the gifts that are included. i am trying to sell the most packages so i can win a chance to meet Taylor. (: please help! (: i doubt i will win.. but i am still going to try!http://www.taylorconnect.com/affiliate/3…
–PLEASE! recommend to your friends who are Taylor Swift fans! i REALLY want to win this! (:

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