Tag Archive | "romance novel"

Anybody Have Any Tips On Writing A Romance Novel?

I have a novel idea that I’m working on that has no particular niche yet.its just an interesting narrative at this point.when I was planning everything out I noticed that even though the relationships wasn’t the center focus of the plot it played a major part in the story and the developement of my charecter.I was thinking it wouldn’t be to hard to convert the story into a romance,especially since I’m kind of just practicing my writing exploring different styles to find my strengths and weaknesses.what I want to know is what are some of the do’s and donts of writing a romance and what are some tips you have.
Can you have a romance that’s about multiple successful and failed relationships or does it have to focus on one main love interest?please help with anything you can.thanks.

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Using Calculus Techniques Can Anyone Help Me With The Problem And Show Me How?

OHaganBooks.com is now offering a wide range of online books. Demand for The Secret Loves
of John Q, a romance novel by Margo Dufon that flopped after two weeks on the market, is
given by
q = −2 p2 + 5 p + 6 (0 ≤ p ≤ 3.3)
copies sold per week when the price is p dollars. Taking into account storage and shipping, it
costs OHaganBooks.com
C = 3q
dollars to sell q copies of The Secret Loves of John Q in a week. Please help me determine the
price OHaganBooks should charge to obtain the largest weekly revenue and determine the
largest weekly revenue. At this price, is the cost increasing or decreasing? What does this tell
you about the profit?
I am also interested in determining the price to charge for the maximum weekly profit. What is
the maximum weekly profit? Please explain any difference in the price that gives the maximum
revenue and the price that gives the maximum profit.
I would like your typed report, 2 – 3 pages in length, in two weeks. Include in the report all of
the necessary details so I fully understand your solutions. In addition to answering my questions,
you must show all of your calculations and include an explanation of how you arrived at your
answers. You must use calculus techniques and convince me that you have found the maximum
revenue and maximum profit. Your solution needs to be clear, variables need to be defined and
any equations used should be clearly explained.

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