Tag Archive | "portfolio"

My Job Hunting Feels Like It Will Go On For Ever?

I’ve been seeking employment since June after graduating in product design. I’ve continually been sending out my CV and portfolio to companies, enquiring about any opportunities. Most have said they’re not recruiting at present. I have had some unpaid design work experience.
Listed job vacancies all require years of experience etc etc. I don’t mind doing something completely different for the time being, but even so I don’t know who will employ me.
Because what I do is very niche, I feel I am just never going to get anywhere. I would really welcome anybody’s advice as I feel useless at the moment.

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Started A Company And Think I Want To Create A Fake Name To Protect My Personal Life. Any Suggestions?

So I started a company about 2 years ago. It has become pretty successful locally but we are just beginning to branch out on the Internet. It is a niche market and the competitor(s) mainly one…..are extremely harsh on other competitors. They are known to be cruel, slander your company and personal name. I am prepared for this and have enough in my portfolio to shut them up….and enough big clients to prove my standing in the industry. However, I don’t think in feel comfortable listing my real name on my bio. I think I may want to create an alias of sorts. I really dint need lectures on anything regarding my business or industry. Justbsome helpful suggestions for a good name that will be memorable….nothing too out there please!
I am female…..so keep that in mind.
I have thought of names like: January, janae, Christina, summer, Capri, chenault pronounced(Chanel) etc etc etc……..
First and last names or first and middle names. 🙂
Thank you!

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Started A Company And Think I Want To Creat A Fake Name To Protect My Personal Life. Any Suggestions?

So I started a company about 2 years ago. It has become pretty successful locally but we are just beginning to branch out on the Internet. It is a niche market and the competitor(s) mainly one…..are extremely harsh on other competitors. They are known to be cruel, slander your company and personal name. I am prepared for this and have enough in my portfolio to shut them up….and enough big clients to prove my standing in the industry. However, I don’t think in feel comfortable listing my real name on my bio. I think I may want to create an alias of sorts. I really dint need lectures on anything regarding my business or industry. Justbsome helpful suggestions for a good name that will be memorable….nothing too out there please!
I am female…..so keep that in mind.
I have thought of names like: January, janae, Christina, summer, Capri, chenault pronounced(Chanel) etc etc etc……..
First and last names or first and middle names. 🙂
Thank you!

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Ideas For A Feminist Photo Shoot?

I’m working with a friend of mine to build his portfolio and refine his style/find his niche. He’s very into the idea of a photograph ‘saying something’ and not just being about some over-sexualized image for shock value. We’re planning to shoot outside in an area that’s used as a improvised skate-spot with some cool worn graffiti and brick. Any ideas or suggestions as far as theme or wardrobe would be greatly appreciated.

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