Tag Archive | "plate"

How Does The Idea Of Niches Explain How Similar Species Can Coexist With A Minimum Of Competition?

Jack Sprat could eat no fat
his wife could eat no lean,
and so, you see, between them both
They licked the platter clean.
Jack and his wife had different preferences for the food they ate, so never took food from each other’s plate.
Similarly, some birds eat nuts, others fruit, others flying insects, and others worms and grubs.
So they can happily forage and feed together without having to chase each other away from the food supply.
Similar ideas work in economics where some companies specialise in niche markets, and leave others to make products for the mainstream consumers.

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What Are The Risks Affiliated With This?

What are the risks of doing this?
So over3 month ago I fractured my growth plate in my ankle. I went to an insta care and they said. I had tendinitis. Then it never stopped hurting so I went to an orthopedic specialist and they confirmed that I fractured my growth plate in my right ankle. They said that I had to waer a boot for 4 weeks and I have had it on for 4 weeks.
If I didn’t wear it for a couple days would that be bad?
If it’s not healed on monday will they put it in a cast or say wear the boot for a while longer?
Thanks in advance
I am going on a 4 hour long hiking trip an I need full ankle movement

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In The State Of Massachusetts How Much Does It Cost To Change Your License Plate?

I was in a road rage situation and I have reason to believe that the individual is gang affiliated and took pictures of my license plate now I want to change my license plate and want to know how.

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Can Anyone Please Help Me With My Science Midterm Review?

1. What are the goals of environmental science?
2. List 4 organisms that are found on a sandy tidal shore.
3. What is precipitation? Evaporation?Condensation?Percolation? Runoff?
4. What are mangrove forests? List 5 reasons for their importance.
5. When was the Age of Reptiles? The Age of Mammals?
6. What is the difference between Nitrobacter and Nitrosomomas?
7. The ability to measure the resistance of a mineral to being scratched is ____?
8. How many significant figures in 29.0005?
9. What is ecological succession?
10. When did fish first appear?
11. Where is the largest reservoir of carbon found?
12. What is the layer of Earth that “floats”?
13. List 4 evidence for tectonic plate theory.
14. List 2 ways we alter the Carbon cycle.
15. Draw the layers of Earth and name them.
16. What is the difference between native and nonnative species?
17. Differentiate between the euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal zones?
18. divide 9.000 / 1.75, the answer should have how many SF?
19. Which layer of the atmosphere is ozone found?
20. Which layer of the atmosphere is all weather found?
21. What type of fault was found at Haiti’s earthquake?
22. What are biomes? List 3.
23. Organisms that eat meat only are called ____?
24. Organisms that eat meat and plant material are called ?
25. What does the lithosphere consist of____ and _____?
26. Give me 4 examples of populations?
27. When you multiply 2 numbers, the answer should have how many SF?
28. When did the 4 mass extinctions occur?
29. List 4 organisms that are extinct?
30. List 4 organisms that are endangered? Or threatened?
31. What is the shadow method?
32. What are magnetic fields used for?
33. What are decomposers?
34. List the unique properties of water.
35. What are coral reefs and how do they die? (coral bleaching)
36. What are functions of the atmosphere? What does it do for us?
37. How old is the Earth?
39. Differentiate between denitrification, ammonification, assimilation, nitrogen fixation.
40. Study your fossils lab.
41. Define mineral. Luster. Color. Streak.
42. List 4 reasons for wolf deaths at Isle Royale
43. What type of interaction did the wolf and moose have?
44. Define carrying capacity.
45. Define niche.
46. How do humans affect the nitrogen cycle? List 3 reasons.
47. What are lentic and lotic rivers?
48. What are the littoral, profundal, benthic, and limnetic zones?
49. What is weathering?
50. What is seafloor spreading?
51. How many people on Earth?
52. What is transpiration?
53. What is total fertility rate? What are reasons for a decrease in death rates?
54. Why did India’s plan fail?
55. U.S.G.S. classifies minerals into 4 categories, what are they?
56. What are igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary rocks?
57. Differentiate between open-pit, contour, and subsurface mining.
58. Differentiate between carbonates, sulfates, oxides, and halide minerals.
59. Who determines total fertility rates? Males or females?
60. how do we determine population changes?
61. What is a subduction plate boundary?ss
i really need answers! please help!

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