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How To Deal With Someone Trying To Ruin My Life?

A while back I moved from Wyoming to Oregon for a job. I don’t have any family in the area and no friends. I became friends with a coworker and thought things were looking up. We would go see movies and just hang out. She went through some tough stuff and I was there for her. I helped her pay bills and took her out when it was a particularly had day and would stay with her at night until her roommate was home because she was lonely and scared. About a couple of months back my life took a turn for the worse and all of a sudden she didn’t talk to me. I was worried and would call once a day and text her. Finally I asked her what was wrong and she told me that I needed to learn to back off. So i did. i was pissed and found out that she only wanted me to be there for her and not the other way around. I was even more mad. but I avoided her like the plague. Suddenly i was getting shifted to other units and one day went to the union to find out what was going on. The cops were there and questioned me on a bunch of stuff that I never did. I was served about a week later with a temporary restraining order. I still had no idea what the heck was going on. I was told by a supervisor that I needed to get rid of the job quick because the upper management was going after me and my license ( I am a nurse). Still no idea what was going on and why this was happening. Now I am homeless and jobless living off my aunt because I can’t find work and she is taking me to court for stalking when I left the area got rid of Facebook and deleted her and anyone affiliated with her number off my phone. I don’t know what to do. How do I deal with this?

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