Tag Archive | "iran"

Who Would I Write To In Regard To Pushing For Action Against Iran?

for an english assignment I have to write to someone most likely government affiliated in regards to taking further action against Iran regarding their uranium enrichment sights. does anyone know who I would write to?

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Is Romney’s Secret Plan To Revitalize The Economy To Attack Iran?

An extended grouind war in the Middle East and many the reinstating the military draft would put millions of people back to work, building tanks, airplanes and bombs.
Millions of our young people would have the chance to serve their country while making the world a better place with free markets and democracy.
WW2 pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression and if this war were conducted properly it could save the United States.

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Is Romney’s Secret Plan To Revitalize The Economy To Attack Iran?

An extended grouind war in the Middle East and many the reinstating the military draft would put millions of people back to work, building tanks, airplanes and bombs.
Millions of our young people would have the chance to serve their country while making the world a better place with free markets and democracy.
WW2 pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression and if this war were conducted properly it could save the United States.

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Should The Us And Europe Be Supporting The Syrian Government Not Condemning It?

It seems that the Syrian rebels are affiliated to the islamic brother hood and supported to some extent by Iran. Considering the US and Nato are fighting against a similar alignment in Afghanistan, why are they not supporting the Syrian government?

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Movie Title Please? Saw A Trailer This Past Year….?

I know this is VERY vague, but it took place in Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan. A woman approaches an american in the market place and says there are secrets that need to be told regarding the local government possibly. Any clue? T.I.A.

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