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Should I Finish Up My Phd In Chemistry Or Get A Second Masters In Education?

Where I am now. I have currently achieved my masters in chemistry while working towards my phd the last two and a half years. I have finished the synopsis and proposal (half-way examinations for the phd degree) and I will have about another two to two and a half years until I earn a phd.
I have been looking ahead in terms of what I want out of life and my career. I desire job security just as much as everyone else. I believe that the job security I long for is just a pipe dream for researchers in general. Relatively few tenure track positions are available in science and from what I hear it is not a rare occurrence to have over 250 applications for a single job in what is supposedly a niche field. This job competition will exist regardless of the situation of the global economy and to a great degree has made research unattractive(quantity over quality is rewarded.) I have enjoyed teaching while being a teaching assistant(running general chemistry labs and Q&A sessions with undergraduate students) and I have a “gift” for presenting information.
My coworkers urge me to continue in research and tell me I would make a great researcher(this being their gut response) in my field or any field I choose to migrate towards after my phd. The qualities mentioned by my coworkers were:
Problem solver
Care/dedication for the science and project at hand (quality research not quantity)
Willingness/eagerness to learn
Effective or “gifted” communicator
The questions that I really want answered are:
Which is the more viable career move? phd in chemistry or dual masters chemistry/education
Would I be able to teach multiple subjects(beyond chemistry) with only minors in the fields?
If I had the phd would I be overqualified for teaching positions at a high school level?
Could I get a job in management with my chemistry phd? Other non-conventional careers?
As an undergraduate I had my B.S. in chemistry with minors in physics and mathematics.
A masters in education is another two to two and a half year long program unless courses are carried over from my chemistry masters.
Current age is 25 as of Feb. 2013
Currently I am being paid to continue my phd research versus a masters in education would require me to pay to stay in the program.
Currently have a number of publications.
~Sad Chemist

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