Tag Archive | "$100"

What Software Allows For >100 Hotkeys (single Session Activation) For Pasting Rich Text Templates?

Ok this is not a big ask, but I am looking for a software (for Windows) that will paste Rich Text template (must have Rich Text support) whenever I press a hot key combo. Here comes the tricky part: I want to have over 100 hotkey combinations standing by ready to be activated by me at single press. Eg. “Ctrl + A to Z or 0 – 9” is 36 hot keys; “Alt + A to Z or 0 – 9” is another 36 hot keys; “Ctrl + Alt + ..” another 36 hot keys; “Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ..” another 36 hot keys; add in left and right Ctrl / Alt / Shift, in total I should have at least (6C1 + 6C2 + 6C3 + 6C4 + 6C5 + 6C6)* 36 = 2304 hot keys all standing by ready to wake at my single session command (no need to open menus, access submenus etc, no mouse clicks, all single session keyboard activation), that’s not yet including capslock and numlock status.
What’s a software that does this? (or comes close to it).
So far I found FastPaste but it only allows 30 hotkeys per project. You can switch project by issuing a hotkey first, then issue a second hotkey for your thing. That’s two sets of hotkeys and is unnecessary. I like one trigger.
I also found several other hotkey programs but most of them do not support Rich Text.
Just wondering if there might be something else that’s able to fulfill my desire and is overlooked by my search.
(Don’t ask why I need it or normally people won’t need this. I just need it, maybe not as many as 2000 hotkeys but certainly 100).

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How Would You Be Living If You 100% Knew There Was Nothink After Death ?

Same as now.
I don’t worry about what it was like before I was born, and there were billions of years of that. The years all went by and it never bothered me. I’m expecting the same after I die.
If I was gonna pick a religion there’s a good dozen popular ones, and hundreds of niche ones. What would give me the slightest clue which one is right? They can’t all be.
So I drew the logical conclusion that they’re probably all wrong. Not just mostly wrong, with one correct one, but all wrong. It seemed sensible.

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