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Is The Main Stream Syrian Rebel Group Aligned With Al-qaida In Iraq?

And is AQI a real player in the conflict?

No Responses to “Is The Main Stream Syrian Rebel Group Aligned With Al-qaida In Iraq?”

  1. Steve O says:

    There are different rebel groups who want to gain power.
    Some of them are affiliated to Alqaida and some of them are not.

  2. Libslove Censorship says:

    Of course.
    Osama bin Laden was a CIA operative, trained by the CIA back in the days the Soviets were fighting in Afghanistan.
    Al Qaeda is a CIA organization to create false flag attacks using actual Muslim fanatics, to create endless wars to feed the Military Industrial Complex.
    The 9/11 attack was an inside job, a false flag attack to create endless wars. I am talking about BOTH 9/11 attacks. Notice that the 9/11/2012 attack was carried out ON a CIA installation….. who really cut security?
    The CIA knew all along where Osama bin Laden was hiding. They had SEVERAL spies within bin Laden’s inner circle, to keep tabs on what he was up to. Not all of the spies knew about each other.
    When the spies reported that Osama bin Laden was plotting to assassinate President Obama, THAT’S when bin Laden was killed.
    All presidents have been involved in this inside job, which can be traced back at least as far back as the Pearl Harbor attack.
    Obama is using al Qaeda as a front to overthrow all existing Muslim governments and make him the king of the Muslim world.
    Think about it – he took out Qadaffi and Osama bin Laden. The government of Egypt has been overthrown, and Syria is next.
    Obama is setting himself up to be the biggest Muslim strongman in the history of the world.

  3. Oreo says:

    Sure that’s why we are not to reluctant to be sending them money for weapons that can be used on us.

  4. wichitao says:

    If you are such an expert on the Middle East, why are you asking this question?


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