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Being Deported, Drug Cartels, Losing Citizenship…..interesting! Is This Possible?

Is this scenario at all possible? if not, what would make it more realistic??
– citizen of argentina and u.s.a (born in Argentina)
-lives in canada (canadian visa)
-visiting mexico.
– affiliated with drug cartels (big connections)
– involved in transporting and distribution of drugs (from mexico to u.s.)
– murdered someone ( in mexico)
– gets caught for it all!!!!!!!
would this happen?
1. visa declined in canada?
2. loss of citizenship with US
3. deported back to Argentina (first/home land)

No Responses to “Being Deported, Drug Cartels, Losing Citizenship…..interesting! Is This Possible?”

  1. Mister Cool says:

    Yes it is.

  2. Darin says:

    No. Canada could certainly decline the visa because they are in no way obligated to approve it in the first place. The US gov’t cant revoke a citizenship. The only way you can lose a US citizenship is if you apply for it at your request. So the deportation also is not possible unless it is done while still in Mexico, lord knows anything goes down there.
    I couldn’t imagine what the US gov’t could get away with if they had the power to revoke your citizenship. They would do it all the time and then just have their way with you because you’d no longer have any rights as a non-citizen.


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