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Will Americans Take The Destruction Of Their Nation & Constitution ‘quietly’,..or Will They Stand Up & Fight?

Those of us who have studied the nation’s crushing effects and causes of illegal immigration for sometime have become acutely aware of the driving forces facilitating the invasion of the United States of America.…
Millions of illegal aliens have not landed in the United States via random acts or the chaotic consequences of market forces. This invasion of the American homeland and mockery of constitutional governance driven by American citizens is being funded, planned, assisted, and facilitated by well financed global power players.
Banks, global corporations, despotic billionaires like George Soros, cryptic organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and an army of their minions are pushing for the integration of North America and the disintegration of the United States!
The most recent information to come to light regarding these plans has come in the form of secret documents released by the notorious WikiLeaks organization.………
So,…WHAT will the American PEOPLE do about this PLAN, to DESTROY everything their forefathers fought and died for?
All thoughts welcome.

No Responses to “Will Americans Take The Destruction Of Their Nation & Constitution ‘quietly’,..or Will They Stand Up & Fight?”

  1. Lenny The Strawman says:

    Oh no, some Canadians are talking about setting up an international organization to facilitate trade! Death camps cannot be far behind! We must rise up as a nation and… um… do something… like, you know, to stop whatever it is I’m talking about…. BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

  2. Peetr Peetr says:

    No, Americans like to eat and watch TV, not stand up and fight.
    And you’re rant is typical of someone who isn’t really looking at all the issues, and only has a right wing source of news. You are missing a lot of the other causes and frauds going on and are only focusing on one very specific problem.

  3. Country Club Conservative says:

    If illegals didn’t get jobs, they wouldn’t come. Period. So prosecute those giving them jobs.

  4. Yoda says:

    You are really only talking about the European invaders is my guess not the native Americans. I wish you guys would stop seeing history as a recent thing.

  5. James Smith says:

    why dont you kick yourself out your an immigrant too if our country was a piece of crap like theirs and canada was amazing you would run up there in a heart beat

  6. Nasty old uncle Mike says:

    Will American people stand up & fight for their freedom and for keeping us out of the role of bully for various multinational corporations? Not likely. Look at the US Patriot Act, one of the heavy encroachers on rights and freedoms. We have done almost nothing about its extension, and we should have demanded they defeat it.
    This isn’t the 60s or 70s where the poeple could make the government fearful. Tis quite the opposite. We are much like Syria, ready to put down protests harshly, have been ever since Kent State.
    I am not sure the problems you allude to are really problems, which is part of the reason for a lot of inaction, the huge disinformation campaigns in most of the media. Like most of the popular media articles which labeled global warming “junk science”. Now food prices are sky high because all that extra energy in the atmosphere from global warming is expressing itself in unprecedented numbers of storms of unprecedented violence. But the popular media is still 50/50 while the scientific lit is virtually 100% about the global warming we are causing. But it is hard to stand up asnd fight if you don’t know you should.
    So no, we will go meekly and miserably into the night.


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